Comparative Analysis of Consumer Rights Protection in the Legal Systems of Iran and Japan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Garmi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmi, Iran.

2 Master of Private Law, Garmi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmi, Iran.


In the legal system of Iran and Japan, the legislator supports the rights of consumers by using capacities such as writing laws, establishing executive institutions, and assigning responsibility to the seller. And in order to achieve an effective result, he has used the rules of guarantee, responsibility based on fault and pure responsibility in the laws. But in practice, despite the alignment of the actions of the two legal systems, the protection of Japanese consumers is in a more favorable situation than Iranian consumers. Because the approval of the laws and the necessary frameworks for their implementation are among the things that have received less attention in Iran's legal system. The approach to strengthening the culture of the society, in relation to respecting the rights of consumers, expanding the culture of apologizing managers and also using the capacities of the private sector along with the government capacities, are among the success factors of the consumer protection law in Japan. While Iran's laws lack such a platform in the implementation stage, and the gap between the law and the lack of a proper space for its implementation, has caused the protection of consumers' rights to not be at an appropriate and desirable level despite its legal capacities. This has caused a difference in the feedback of the laws in the two legal systems, and therefore the Japanese consumer has far stronger support than the Iranian consumer


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