"Plea of Procedure" in Iranian and French Legal System Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Plea as a procedural application is accepted for more than one hundred years in our legal system, notably by the Law of Civil Procedure 1911 and since that time this concept used in our legal writings as that term without any changes. However, the meaning our example of Plea of Procedure have not ever been analyzed our revised and so we cannot find the main difference of Plea from other Defense Means such as substantial defense or non-acceptation means. We believe that historical background of Plea in French legal system which was categorized generally all means of defense as Plea have been imported to our legal system without changes but Plea in French legal system recently have been distinguished from other means of defense very strictly. In our legal system the new law of civil procedure 2000 maintained that old French tradition and have some influences of Islamic Law as well.
Plea as a procedural application is accepted for more than one hundred years in our legal system, notably by the Law of Civil Procedure 1911 and since that time this concept used in our legal writings as that term without any changes. However, the meaning our example of Plea of Procedure have not ever been analyzed our revised and so we cannot find the main difference of Plea from other Defense Means such as substantial defense or non-acceptation means. We believe that historical background of Plea in French legal system which was categorized generally all means of defense as Plea have been imported to our legal system without changes but Plea in French legal system recently have been distinguished from other means of defense very strictly.


Main Subjects

  1. . فارسی

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    7. محسنی، دکتر حسن، آیین دادرسی مدنی فرانسه، با دیباچه و مقدمة دکتر عباس کریمی و پرفسور لوییک کادیه، جلد 1، چاپ 3، تهران، انتشارات سهامی انتشار، 1393.
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    2-6. عربی

    1. خمینى، سید روح اللّه موسوى (ره)، تحریر الوسیله، 2 جلد، جلد 2، قم، مؤسسه مطبوعات دار العلم، 1366.
    2. یزدى، سید محمد کاظم طباطبایى (ره)، تکملة العروة الوثقى، 2 جلد، جلد 2، قم – ایران، کتابفروشى داورى، 1414.

    3-6. فرانسه


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