Comparative Investigation of Repentance in Penal Law and Imamihe Jurisprudence in the fall of Punitive Penalties

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law and Political Science, Azad university of kaaraj, Karaj, Iran


Repentance is one of the causes of the fall of public punishment, and the legislator, in accordance with Imamia jurisprudence, has introduced the Penal Code of the Islamic Penal Code of 1392 into account. Therefore, if the perpetrator repents before a final verdict is issued, now, in the case of limits other than the Qazf; the repentance will result in the punishment being brought to an end with the fulfillment of the prescribed conditions. But in other areas (except for moharebeh), if the accused repent before the crime is proved, then Muscat is the maximum in addition to the other conditions, and in the moharebeh of this stage, you must be before arrest or domination. Also, in accordance with the second part of Article the head of the judiciary from the supreme leader. This article is of the theoretical type and is used for analytical, descriptive and comparative analysis of the laws with Imamieh jurisprudence.


Main Subjects

1- قرآن کریم
الف- کتب فارسی
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ب- کتب عربی
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پ- مقالات
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